Prof. DR. Joost S. Nan


Joost studied criminal law in Leiden (2003) after which he took up employment as a lawyer in a general practice. He subsequently specialised in criminal proceedings and in particular, in Supreme Court proceedings. In 2011, he obtained his doctorate in Tilburg on the lex certa principle. Joost has been involved for many years in the Beroepsopleiding Advocatuur (institute for professional legal education) as a teacher and former member of the examination board. In addition, he provides courses for various organisations in connection with permanent professional education for lawyers, for example regarding procedural errors, the law of evidence, the Weapons and Ammunition Act, appeals and appeals in cassation. He is also a member of the Vereniging van Cassatieadvocaten in Strafzaken (VCAS) [an association of cassation lawyers in criminal cases]. Joost has been a university lecturer in criminal law and criminal procedural law at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam since 2013. Now he is professor of criminal (procedural) law, particularly financial-economic criminal law. In his practice, he is occupied chiefly with criminal cassation proceedings.


Kroniek Modernisering Wetboek van Strafvordering | Nederlands Juristenblad, 23 september 2022, afl. 29, pp. 2336-2347.

Eerste celstraffen voor 'uithalers' van drugscontainers in haven | RTL Nieuws, 28 februari 2022.

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