Alexander J.M. de Swart


Alexander studied criminal law and law & computerisation in Tilburg. He specialises in corporate criminal law with an emphasis on fraud and corruption cases.

Alexander also has experience with internal investigations & compliance, investigations into industrial accidents, as well as tax, customs and environmental criminal cases.

Alexander mainly assists companies in (criminal) investigations, but also has experience in assisting individuals, reporting parties, witnesses and aggrieved parties in criminal proceedings.

Alexander is a member of the Dutch Association of Defence Counsel (NVSA) and the business crime committee of the International Bar Association. During his two-year membership of the Rotterdam Bar Association, Alexander was responsible for the criminal law portfolio.

His performance is appreciated by Chambers Europe, which speaks of a "high level of expertise" (2019), Legal 500 and Who's who legal (Business Crime Defence - Corporates & Individuals, Investigations (Thought leader)).

Click here for the publication made mandatory by the Netherlands Bar Association of the registration of jurisdictions.